Symptoms vary according to the size, shape and position of the stone and the nature of any underlying condition. Kidney Stones, or in medical terms Renal calculi or nephrocalcinosis may be present for years without giving rise to symptoms, and may be discovered during radiological examination for another disorder. It is due to this reason that renal calculi are often referred to as silent stones. More commonly, a person with a kidney stone will present with pain, recurrent urinary tract infection or clinical features of urinary tract obstruction.
The most common complaint arising from renal calculi is intermittent, dull aching to pricking type of pain in the loin or back, increased by movement especially on walking upstairs. Protein, red cells or leukocytes may appear in the urine. So, it can be said safely that a dull ache in the loin is typical of a renal stone.
Now, when stone gets impacted in the ureter, an attack of renal colic develops. The patient becomes suddenly aware of pain in the loin, which radiates round the flank to the groin and often into the testis or labium (if patient is female). The pain steadily increases in intensity to reach a maximum in a few minutes. Now, the patient is really restless and generally tries unsuccessfully to obtain relief by changing position and by pacing the room. There is pallor, sweating and often vomiting and the patient may groan in agony. Frequency and dysuria may occur.
The pain usually subsides within 2 hours, but may continue unabated for hours or days. The pain is usually constant during attacks, though slight fluctuations in severity may occur.
Contrary to general belief, attacks rarely consist of intermittent severe pains coming and going every few minutes.
Hematuria (blood in urine) is common with renal stones because majority of the stones are oxalate stones. Though quantity of blood loss is small, still it is fresh blood yet quite enough to render the urine smoky.
Recurrent UTI (Urinary Tract Infection) may also occur accompanied by fever with chills and rigors, and burning micturition.
Pyuria may also manifest along with frequency of micturition.
Guarding and rigidity of the back and abdominal muscles occurs during severe attack of pain.
Uremic symptoms occur in cases of phosphate calculus, which lie dormant or hidden for a long time, during which there is progressive destruction of renal parenchyma resulting in generalized weakness, anorexia (loss of appetite), headache, pruritis and loss of libido.
While in case of ureteric colic, the pain is sudden, in contrast to renal stone dull pain, and it passes from loin to the groin. This pain is so severe and agonizing that it causes the patient literally to draw up to his knees and roll about, causing immense sense of nausea (revulsion), vomiting, profuse sweating and stranguary.

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