Kidney Stones or Renal Calculi are not frequent as say cough and flu but undoubtedly it is one of the top reasons why people come rushing to the emergency ward of the hospital. The normal color of urine ranges usually from white to yellow. But when you spot that your urine is having a somewhat different color, say pink or pinkish, then you better worry so you go to the hospital or your family doctor or preferably to a nephrologist. If you sense an awkward, intermittent, dull, aching to pricking type of pain somewhere below your stomach, on your loin or your back, you begin to get anxious because you are quite sure that it is not just an ordinary case of improper digestion or something like that.
When such type of things happens to you and after being examined in the hospital and after having some few initial questions and some specific tests, you meet head-on with the results --- you have got kidney stones or renal calculi! And you ask yourself, how and when in the world did I get kidney stones?
Majority of people are unaware of kidney stones or renal calculi. Of course medical groups try their best to keep people informed about the importance of healthy kidneys and healthy renal system but most people only hear about kidney transplantations. The formation of kidney stones starts from crystals that are not excreted through urine but the important question is why does this occur. Doctors can’t quickly pinpoint at any one particular cause because several factors are attributed to this condition. Theses factors can be isolated as per patient's individual case.
- For one person, it can be hereditary or familial so if your mother and father have it then in all probability you will have kidney stones as well. It has been observed that a person with a positive family history of kidney stones is more prone to having kidney stones in future.
- Moreover if there is a family history of some kidney related congenital and inherited conditions such as Familial hypercalciuria, Medullary sponge kidney, Cystinuria, Renal Tubular acidosis type I (distal) and Primary hyperoxaluria in a person, that person is pretty much prone to forming kidney stones.
- Metabolic disorders like Hyperparathyroidism and Gout also increase the risk of developing a kidney stone.
- Infections caused by organisms like Proteus mirabilis, Pseudomonas and Klebsiella produce recurrent UTI (Urinary Tract Infection). These organisms produce urea, cause stasis of urine leading to precipitation of kidney stones.
- Inadequate urinary drainage as in case of horse-shoe kidney and unascended kidneys are more vulnerable for development of stones due to stasis.
- Dietary factors includes diet rich in red meat, fish, eggs leading to aciduria, excessive ingestion of foodstuffs high in oxalate like tomatoes, strawberries, celery, milk, spinach, rhubarb, peanuts, liver, beets, chocolates, grapes, marmalade and even tea. Excessive usage of high oxalate-containing foodstuff may lead to calcium oxalate stones thus patients are advised to avoid such types of food.It may be a sad news for those who are not supposed to take it or to take it in a very little quantity but we must think on our part that healthy kidneys are more important for the better quality of our own lives.
- Besides above-mentioned factors, environmental factors may also increase the chance of developing kidney stones as hot climates and high ambient temperature can cause increase in concentration of solutes, resulting in calcium precipitation, which forms calcium oxalate stones. As a matter of fact, dehydration, alone, can cause uric acid stone formation.
Since, causes and symptom of kidney stones are quite vague, in fact most of the signs go unnoticed because sometimes pain is very dull even when stone is quite large, due to this reason, kidney stones are often referred as the silent stones. These silent stones must eventually be found out.
For this purpose, urinary system is scanned via particular tests called Computerized Tomography, or CT Scan, or by Intravenous Urography (IVU) previously known as Intravenous Pyelogram (IVP). These tests help doctors detect kidney stones.
The results from these tests are also vital in determining the appropriate course of action to treat the existing situation of the patient.
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